[28/11/2012] Changing auto buy machines (Auto Sale)
[28/11/2012] Changing auto buy machines (Auto Sale)
Permission permission to sell cars armor sets (Set of ...), a bucket of paint to the fence (Enamel tank). Is currently in the list of possible items for sale can be seen in the following topic:
Products list that can be sold
on 12.12.2012 as follows:
1. All weapons (except the staff)
2. Armor all
3. all clothing
4. kegs
5. magic ring
6. Dida homes
7. Dida products
8. kegs paint
9. Shrinkovannye animals
10. Armor Sets (Set of ...)
11. Buckets of paint for fences
Stuckey party items:
1. magic scrolls
2. Beverage (vkl.napitok fidelity)
3. Bukazoidy
4. Ingots: Meteorite, Light Rock
5. Treasure map (new)
6. SOS-bottle (sea treasures)