about poisoning:
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RTFM ruleZ!
train - use poison potion on food - meat or fish steack(yes, cooked
you need:
about 15K food and about 15K(!!!) poison potion - it's equal 15K poison +15K bottle(!!!). It's equal 35K NightShade & 35K iron. (but maybe more - 16-17-18-...25?K 8-))))) )
not good idea train ths skill at start
and it use only to poisoned diff type of valorite weapons.
How to cook basic food(not cooked beef or chicken or pig):
Jack some lumber(7 or more).
Then use knife on it .
Select "bowyer Items", then "Kindling"
put 1 or > kindling to ground and repeat doubleclick(dclick) while it not burn
dclick on food then click on fire. If it not "burn on fire" you get cooked "food"
all clear?