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[03/12/2012] New 10.0 ring skills
Старый 28.01.2013, 18:26   #1
Mystical Hero
Аватар для LanceR
Регистрация: 12.01.2010
Адрес: [frozen]
Сообщений: 1,057
Репутация: 13 [+/-]
на правильном пути, пока что (от 5 до 15)
LanceR на правильном пути, пока что (от 5 до 15)
Чар: Burning
Гильдия: [frozen]
По умолчанию [03/12/2012] New 10.0 ring skills

[03/12/2012] New features: 10.0 ring skills

Some of the skills introduced new rings 10.0. You can get a ring in exchange for two rings of 7.5 and 2 of this skill light rock Ingots. Exchange by using Magic Item identification device. To do this, one ring must be in the backpack, and the second should be wearing. To exchange rings made ​​of any strength. Wearing a ring 10.0 for skills for which there are 15 magic items can only be dressed 15 subject.
Ring 10.0 break less often than the other rings and have a maximum strength of 12/12. Repair the ring 7.5 and 10.0 can be installed using the Magic Item identification device. For one light rock Ingot during repair ring ring back 7.5 2 units of strength, and when repairs 10.0 ring adds 1 unit of strength.
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