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[30/12/2012] Change Soul Reaper
Старый 28.01.2013, 18:49   #1
Mystical Hero
Аватар для LanceR
Регистрация: 12.01.2010
Адрес: [frozen]
Сообщений: 1,057
Репутация: 13 [+/-]
на правильном пути, пока что (от 5 до 15)
LanceR на правильном пути, пока что (от 5 до 15)
Чар: Burning
Гильдия: [frozen]
По умолчанию [30/12/2012] Change Soul Reaper

[30/12/2012] Change Soul Reaper

Changed properties Soul Reaper. To wear it, you must have karma below -3000, more than 10 murders and skill Swordsmanship at least 100.0. Equip Swordsmanship skill increases to 10.0. When attacking NPC has a good chance to pick up all or part of the soul (HP) objectives. But the strength of the spit reduced by 13 units. You can get a Soul Reaper with such properties to exchange old scythe through Magic Item identification device. New has a different color.
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