unfortunately, today most of russians don't know even their own language, how can we talk about english... So you have to study russian a little bit

P.S. Speech Room is a place with "Safe zone", that means that no one can attack you, actualy you are not able to die there. The same thing with Market. That's why there is allways alot of people. In the market you can buy things from vendors (to do this, come closer to vendor and write {<name of vendor> <buy>}. In the speech room, there are some "autobuy" machines which allow to sell some kinds of ressources and etc. That how those places works... you can ask other questions here, i think, people will answer...
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Сообщение от Varda Sirith
Anyway, I'm generally in game during the day (EST) during the week and occasionally on weekends.
what does this "EST" means ?