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[19-05-2013] New host and change Login.cfg
Старый 26.05.2013, 16:55   #1
Аватар для Sherwood
Регистрация: 03.12.2005
Сообщений: 2,455
Репутация: Скрыта
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По умолчанию [19-05-2013] New host and change Login.cfg

Dear players, we want to tell you joyful news. The main server on a new platform was started. For connection to the game world of Forgotten World, it is necessary to update the login.cfg file which lies in the folder with game.

New IP: or to use the domain name game.fwuo.ru


Unfortunately we are compelled to start preservations of May 9, 2013. As site services, including the status temporarily don't work, soon we plan to adjust all services.

We thank you for the shown patience and courage, during this hard period of time, for our game server.
Насяльника :)
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