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[02/07/2013] AutoQwest by alchemist
Старый 08.02.2013, 16:02   #1
Mystical Hero
Аватар для LanceR
Регистрация: 12.01.2010
Адрес: [frozen]
Сообщений: 1,057
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на правильном пути, пока что (от 5 до 15)
LanceR на правильном пути, пока что (от 5 до 15)
Чар: Burning
Гильдия: [frozen]
По умолчанию [02/07/2013] AutoQwest by alchemist

[02/07/2013] AutoQwest by alchemist

Alchemists to research and experimentation required the souls of dead mounts and blood. To collect the souls alchemist will give a special flask. And if the target of it to send to the corpse of a fallen mount, then his soul will go to the flask. The soul of any fallen colored mount is two places. With corpses per ordinary horses can not collect. The bulb has a capacity for 20 people. In return for a full flask, 60 doses of red blood and 150 units of green blood alchemist will give a unique drink Resurrection (Ressurection potion), using which you can revive any fallen mount. But after the resurrection it will be necessary to re-tame. Keywords - quest for information about the job, start to get an empty flask, cancel quest - abort (return flask), complete - complete the quest.
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